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Powecut - Formby area
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News  |  Sat - December 9, 2023 10:01 pm  |  Article Hits:3404  |  A+ | a-
Formby Village
Formby Village
ON Saturday, 9 December 2023, a power cut affected the L37 and L38 postcode areas, caused by the high voltage power supply from the National Grid being affected by Storm Elin's high winds.

The National Grid 1st became aware of the issue at around:- 5.29pm, and engineers then got sent out to find and fix the fault as quickly, and as safely as possible. Due to the failure of the National Grid's network within the area, street lighting, traffic lights, and also homes and businesses got plunged into darkness, except for a few buildings with dim light from battery-powered emergency lighting and Christmas decorations illuminating them.

Postcodes that had been affected by this outage are as follows:-

CH429PN, CH432JA, CH436TA, CH436TF, CH436UJ, CH439UU, L111AA, L120JB, L137EE, L147NS, L15AP, L177BD, L230UB, L254RZ, L337TW, L341AA, L349AA, L349EN, L34GE, L369TL, L37, L370AA, L370AB, L370AD, L370AE, L370AF, L370AH, L370AL, L370AN, L370AP, L370AQ, L370AT, L370AW, L371AA, L371JL, L371LA, L371LB, L371LD, L371LE, L371LF, L371LG, L371LH, L371LJ, L371LL, L371LN, L371LP, L371LQ, L371LR, L371LS, L371LT, L371LU, L371LW, L371LX, L371LY, L371LZ, L371NA, L371NB, L371ND, L371NE, L371NF, L371NG, L371NH, L371NJ, L371NL, L371NN, L371NP, L371NQ, L371NR, L371NS, L371NT, L371NU, L371NW, L371NX, L371NY, L371NZ, L371PA, L371PB, L371PD, L371PE, L371PF, L371PG, L371PH, L371PJ, L371PL, L371PN, L371PP, L371PQ, L371PR, L371PS, L371PT, L371PU, L371PW, L371PX, L371PY, L371PZ, L371QA, L371QN, L371XN, L371XP, L371XR, L371XS, L371XT, L371XU, L371XW, L371XX, L371XY, L371XZ, L371YB, L371YF, L371YH, L371YX, L372DA, L372DB, L372DD, L372DF, L372DG, L372DH, L372DJ, L372DL, L372DN, L372DP, L372DQ, L372DR, L372DS, L372DT, L372DU, L372DW, L372DX, L372DY, L372DZ, L372EA, L372EB, L372ED, L372EE, L372EF, L372EG, L372EH, L372EJ, L372EL, L372EN, L372EP, L372EQ, L372ER, L372ES, L372ET, L372EU, L372EW, L372EX, L372EY, L372EZ, L372FF, L372FN, L372FP, L372FS, L372FW, L372HA, L372HB, L372HD, L372HE, L372HF, L372HG, L372HH, L372HJ, L372HL, L372HN, L372HP, L372HQ, L372HR, L372HS, L372HT, L372HU, L372HW, L372HX, L372HY, L372HZ, L372JA, L372JB, L372JD, L372JE, L372JG, L372JH, L372JJ, L372JL, L372JN, L372JP, L372JQ, L372JR, L372JS, L372JT, L372JU, L372JW, L372JX, L372JY, L372JZ, L372LA, L372LB, L372LD, L372LE, L372LF, L372LG, L372LH, L372LJ, L372LL, L372LN, L372LP, L372LQ, L372LR, L372LS, L372LT, L372LU, L372LW, L372LX, L372LY, L372SX, L372XX, L372YA, L372YB, L372YD, L372YE, L372YF, L372YG, L372YH, L372YJ, L372YN, L372YP, L372YQ, L372YR, L372YS, L372YT, L372YU, L372YW, L372YX, L372YY, L372YZ, L373AB, L373AD, L373AE, L373AF, L373HA, L373HB, L373HD, L373HE, L373HF, L373HG, L373HH, L373HJ, L373HL, L373HN, L373HP, L373HQ, 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L376EE, L376EF, L376EG, L376EH, L376EJ, L376EL, L376EN, L376EP, L376EQ, L376ER, L376ES, L376ET, L376EW, L376EY, L376FB, L376HD, L376XB, L377AD, L377AE, L377AF, L377AG, L377AH, L377AJ, L377AL, L377AN, L377AP, L377AQ, L377AR, L377AS, L377AT, L377AU, L377AW, L377AX, L377AY, L377AZ, L377BA, L377BB, L377BD, L377BE, L377BG, L377BH, L377BJ, L377BL, L377BN, L377BP, L377BQ, L377BR, L377BS, L377BT, L377BU, L377BW, L377BX, L377BY, L377BZ, L377DA, L377DB, L377DD, L377DE, L377DF, L377DG, L377DH, L377DJ, L377DL, L377DN, L377DP, L377DQ, L377DR, L377DT, L377DU, L377DW, L377DX, L377DY, L377DZ, L377EA, L377EB, L377ED, L377EE, L377EF, L377EG, L377EH, L377EJ, L377EL, L377EN, L377EP, L377EQ, L377ER, L377ES, L377ET, L377EU, L377EW, L377EX, L377EY, L377EZ, L377FD, L377HA, L377HB, L377HD, L377HE, L377HF, L377HG, L377HH, L377HJ, L377HL, L377HN, L377HP, L377HQ, L377HR, L377HS, L377HW, L377HX, L377HY, L377HZ, L377JD, L377JL, L377XX, L378BA, L378BB, L378BD, L378BE, L378BG, L378BH, L378BJ, L378BL, L378BN, L378BP, L378BQ, L378BR, L378BS, L378BT, L378BU, L378BW, L378BX, L378BY, L378BZ, L378DA, L378DB, L378DD, L378DE, L378DF, L378DG, L378DH, L378DJ, L378DL, L378DN, L378DP, L378DQ, L378DR, L378DS, L378DT, L378DU, L378DW, L378DX, L378DY, L378DZ, L378EA, L378EB, L378ED, L378EE, L378EF, L378EG, L378EH, L378EN, L378RP, L379BE, L37OAE, L384JB, L385DB, L385DD, L385DE, L387JA, L387JB, L387JD, L387JE, L388AF, L388JE, L389SG, L397JT, L397JW, L86SE, L86SH, PR83SE, UNKNOWN

The National Grid said:- "We apologise for the inconvenience and thank your readers for your patience."

This is video footage of the Village and the Formby By Pass (A565), and you can see the lights going on as the power is restored at the end of the video.

The reference number for the power outage was given as:- INCD-955111-s and the log was created on:- 9 December 2023, at:- 17:29 GMT.

To see if your area is affected by any power outages you can check online at:- NationalGrid.Co.UK.

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