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Recruiting Additional Adults in Schools: A Framework for Success
By Newsroom
News  |  Sun - March 9, 2025 5:50 pm  |  Article Hits:324  |  A+ | a-
A new framework has been designed to help schools recruit Additional Adults by prioritising the skills, attributes, and characteristics needed for the role; rather than prior qualification and experience alone.

Primary schools across Liverpool are facing challenges in recruiting and retaining suitable staff for Teaching Assistant, Learning Support Assistant, and Additional Adult roles.

Not having the relevant qualifications or experience has sometimes limited the pool of potential candidates and resulted in a lack of suitable applications.

To address this, SIL  has developed a training program focusing on themes such as being a good role model, the importance of effective questioning and active listening, understanding the SEND code of practice, and recognising that all behavior is communication. Tiered training is embedded within employment; ensuring that candidates acquire the appropriate knowledge and skills on the job.

The new framework offers:-
  •  Multiple pathways to employment - schools can recruit through apprenticeships, volunteer programs, by direct hire or via SIL Staffing Solutions Supply Agency.
  •  Competitive pay structure - suggested salary bands that are attractive to potential candidates and offer clear progression routes.
  •  Tiered approach to training - structured, yet flexible training including:- pay as you go options or embedded through candidates recruited via SIL Staffing Solutions. (Depending on the needs of the school there may be subtle variations between those participating.)
Yvonne Sutton, Inclusive Learning Manager at SIL and member of the working party shared:- "We understand the challenges schools and settings face in recruiting and retaining support staff. Proudly leading the working group on behalf of local head teachers, we have developed a framework to support colleagues in their approach to recruitment of Additional Adult roles. By adopting this new framework and engaging with the available resources, schools can not only fill essential roles but also advance social mobility, giving individuals from all backgrounds the chance to work in education, with their unique skills, attributes, and potential being truly recognized and valued like never before. It also provides fulfilling opportunities for adults who can potentially make a meaningful impact on children’s learning."

Laura Moreton, Headteacher at St. Michael in the Hamlet Community Primary School shared how a member of her team retrained after a career in the hair and beauty industry. She said:- "Despite having no prior education experience, our staff member brought a wealth of skills gained from previous roles and life experience.  She transitioned into an Additional Adult / Learning Support Assistant role with no formal experience, quickly adapting and using her strong communication, problem solving, and organizational abilities to make a huge impact in supporting students' success.  She has proved to be an invaluable asset, demonstrating exceptional dedication, empathy, and creativity in helping children thrive academically and emotionally."
Are you ready to start or progress your career as an Additional Adult?

From apprentices to established practitioners; Additional Adult roles offer fulfilling opportunities which make a meaningful impact to children’s learning.

You can register with SIL Staffing Solutions, by going to:- SchoolImprovementLiverpool.Co.UK.

To search for current education vacancies across the City please visit:- SchoolImprovementLiverpool.Co.UK.
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