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£35 million added to State Pension pots
By Newsroom
News  |  Tue - February 4, 2025 4:22 pm  |  Article Hits:536  |  A+ | a-

PEOPLE wanting to maximise their State Pension by plugging gaps in their National Insurance record have contributed to a total of 68,673 years, worth £35 million, using the online service since April last year HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has revealed.

Analysis of the digital service has shown:-
· more than 37,000 online payments have been made through the service
· 65% of the years topped up by customers are from 2017 onwards
· the average online top-up payment is £1,835
· the largest weekly State Pension increase is £113.76

HMRC and Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are reminding customers they only have 2 months up until:- 5 April 2025 to check their National Insurance record and fill any gaps from:- 6 April 2006 onwards.

From:- 6 April 2025, people will only be able to make voluntary National Insurance contributions for the previous 6 tax years, in line with normal time limits.

The Check your State Pension forecast service on:- GOV.UK is the quickest and easiest way customers can check what their pension will be in retirement and take action if they need to. People can also use the HMRC app to check their State Pension forecast.

Angela MacDonald, HMRC’s 2nd Permanent Secretary and Deputy Chief Executive, said:- “There are just 2 months left to check and fill any gaps in your National Insurance record from 2006 onwards to boost your State Pension entitlement. Don’t delay - it is quick and easy to check your National Insurance record on GOV.UK and it could help your finances in retirement.”

Since the launch of the enhanced digital service in April last year, more than 4.3 million people have used it to check their State Pension forecast. The end-to-end service means customers can also use it to check and view gaps in their National Insurance record, calculate the difference any payment will make to their State Pension and then make one payment for however many years they need to top up.

Everyone should be aware of the risk of falling victim to scams and should never share their HMRC login details with anyone. HMRC scams advice is available on:- GOV.UK.



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