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Maghull Town Hall and Leisure Centre Fire
By Newsroom
News  |  Sat - February 1, 2025 8:48 pm  |  Article Hits:647  |  A+ | a-
MERSEYSIDE Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) attended an incident on:- Hall Lane, Maghull, at Maghull Town Hall and Leisure Centre, on:- Saturday, 1 February 2025.


Crews were alerted to a fire involving the roof space of a 3 storey building, with a total of ten fire engines and 2 aerial appliances at scene at the height of the incident.


Merseyside Police also attended to manage cordons.


Multi agency meetings took place throughout the course of the incident, with crews working diligently to extinguish the fire and prevent any escalation or fire spread.


All MFRS crews left the scene at approximately:- 7 pm.


MFRS Area Manager Ged Sheridan said:- "Crews worked hard to bring the fire under control and limit it to the building of origin. The fire was extinguished in the early evening, and a full investigation was completed to ensure that any potential escalation or fire spread was prevented. We would like to thank our multi agency partners, Sefton Council, and local residents for their support throughout."


Following the incident at Maghull Town Hall, Sefton Council has said:- "We would once again like to place on record our thanks to our staff at Meadows Leisure Centre who acted swiftly and calmly to evacuate everyone safely from the building. While the Centre remains closed to the public, the building will be open between:- 10 am and 2 pm tomorrow (Sunday) for those who were evacuated to collect their belongings which were left behind."

MP Bill Esterson said:- "Worrying to see the fire at Maghull Town Hall. Very relieved to hear that no one has been hurt. Thank you to all our firefighters for their brilliant response in putting out the fire so quickly. Thanks also to Merseyside Police for their support."

The Devision 1 North,The Daisy Arena, Nelson , at Maghull Football Club was delayed as a result of the fire.
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