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Student nominated for International Conservation Award
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News  |  Sun - August 18, 2024 11:28 pm  |  Article Hits:1208  |  A+ | a-
AN award winning student and wildlife enthusiast has been nominated for an international conservationist prize.

Lyndon Howson, has been nominated for a:- 'People of Nature' awards by We Naturalists in the category of Conservationist of the Year; Fauna for his work in native species conservation and ecology, focusing on integrating youth governance to promote environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

The 27 year old from Grange over-Sands is described as committed to driving nature recovery and fostering community involvement and has spearheaded successful partnership initiatives and played leadership roles in environmental projects. We are told that he brings a passion for advocacy and a track record of impactful contributions to native mammal conservation.

Lyndon, who recently received a first-class honours degree in Zoology from the University of Chester, is no stranger to winning awards. He was awarded the Mammal Champion Award earlier this year by the Mammal Society in recognition of his outstanding dedication and leadership in volunteering as project coordinator for the student-led project Hedgehog Friendly Campus Project at the University. Over the past 18 months, Lyndon has transformed the initiative from a small team of seven volunteers to an impressive force of over 170 individuals, who have registered their interest in helping hedgehogs. Hedgehog Friendly Campus is a national accreditation programme funded in part by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) and delivered by Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK).

He also received the F.W. Hooper Prize from the School of Natural Sciences which is awarded annually to the student for consistently producing work of a high standard. He will continue his studies with a Master's by Research on the role Schools can play in hedgehog conservation at the University of Chester later this year. 

Lyndon recently presented his hedgehog work at Chester SciBar at Storyhouse alongside Olivia Maidment from Chester Zoo who discussed the Hedgehog Watch research the zoo is carrying out.

Lyndon said:- "I am so proud to be nominated for this international award recognising my efforts in native species conservation, particularly with hedgehogs, as well as my work in youth governance. My specialism in public speaking and engagement allows me to effectively communicate the needs and interests of my peers. Through my experience collaborating with volunteers, local councillors and community groups, I have promoted native species conservation and provided a voice for young people." 

Charlotte Smith, Director of Conservation Education at Chester Zoo, said:- "With so much wildlife under threat across the UK, the work of passionate individuals like Lyndon is more vital than ever. We're delighted to have been able to support Lyndon as a member of our Chester Zoo Youth Board, and work with him as a collaborator on our Hedgehog Watch citizen science project and during the development of our National Lottery Heritage Fund supported Networks for Nature project, an ambitious landscape-scale project which aims to bring communities and conservationists together to support the conservation of UK species across the Chester area. As a conservation zoo that's all about inspiring the next generation of conservationists, it's wonderful to work with talented young wildlife enthusiasts like Lyndon and see him recognised on the international conservation stage." 

Jo Wilkinson, Senior Project Manager, Hedgehog Friendly Campus said:- "Lyndon is the University of Chester's student hedgehog champion for Hedgehog Friendly Campus, a programme funded by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. Lyndon has not only implemented the programme brilliantly but has also significantly expanded its reach and impact. Under his leadership, the project has seen remarkable growth, with the number of volunteers nearly tripling in the past year. Lyndon's passion and commitment to empowering the next generation of environmental leaders have been instrumental in fostering a culture of conservation on campus and beyond. Lyndon's dedication to youth advocacy and environmental stewardship has left an indelible mark on the programme."

Dr Krista McLennan, Head of the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Chester, said:- "We are extremely proud of Lyndon's achievements and the nomination for this award. Lyndon has been fully dedicated not only to his studies but to also his local community, representing the School's mission wholeheartedly. It is great to see Lyndon being recognised through this nomination for his work in nature conservation. Lyndon has clearly used the knowledge gained from his degree to the fullest to have a positive impact on nature. We hope that Lyndon's continuation with us will allow him to achieve even more and continue to inspire other students coming through our courses to carry on with this vital work in the conservation of our native flora and fauna."
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