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We must not overreact to the knife attack in Southport
By Newsroom
News  |  Fri - August 2, 2024 2:05 pm  |  Article Hits:1074  |  A+ | a-
WE must not overreact to the traumatic events of this week in Southport.  Lessons must be learned, but we must take a step back and think hard. We must not react out of shock or anger when looking at any introduction of new legislation and guidance, but also on a family level, especially when explaining what happened to children. 

We have had a growing number of calls asking us about safety issues. Some of them have been from worried parents who are now concerned about sending children to holiday clubs or doing events in public.


We must put this attack into perspective.  We do not know the full details about the incident and might never know, but realistically it is an isolated case that is extremely unusual. You are 4 times more likely to be killed by a lightning bolt than in an attack like this. To be struck by lightning you have less than one in a million, so this should give you an idea of how unlikely it is you or your children would be likely to be involved in a similar situation. 

Professor Rachel Calam has told the BBC that parents and caregivers should reassure children that situations like this are:- "incredibly rare" and that people are:- "working hard to keep them safe."

Please remember that we should not react to speculation or anything that is unconfirmed. The investigation is continuing to take place, and we must all follow our legal process and the rules surrounding it.


To get help and support for talking to children about what happened you can contact Victim Support for free 24/7 on:- 08081689111, or on live chat by visiting:- VictimSupport.Org.UK/Live-Chat. You can also use this service for anyone else affected by any crime.


If you want to personally do something productive, we strongly recommend that everyone learns First Aid as this will help in all aspects of your life...
 If you want to help with the long-term process of recovery, please visit and donate to the Southport Hesketh Round Table appeal. To donate please visit:- GoFund.Me/c33b2a44.
For other useful contacts on Merseyside please see our dedicated page on Mersey Reporter.
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