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Statement from Merseyside Police Federation following 50 of their colleagues being injured in disorder in Southport last night
By Newsroom
News  |  Wed - July 31, 2024 2:54 pm  |  Article Hits:975  |  A+ | a-

AS Southport comes together again following another scene of  violent disorder, the Police and other emergency services have again been praised by local residents for their professionalism and for keeping them safe.  Sadly, 8 sustained serious injuries including:- fractures, lacerations, a suspected broken nose and concussion. Other Officers have suffered varying degrees of injury including:- head injuries, serious facial injuries and 1 was knocked unconscious, due to the acts of mindless thugs, who appear to be mostly from outside of Southport.

These thugs not only put the lives of the emergency services at risk but also local residents, including young children!

In a statement issued to the media Chris McGlade, Chair of Merseyside Police Federation, said:- "Merseyside is reeling from an unimaginable tragedy. An incident that has left us all shocked as human beings. We are equally shocked as Police Officers. The very same courageous Officers who are themselves trying to come to terms with what has happened in Southport this week came under a sustained and vicious attack last night. It is utterly disgusting that more than 50 Police Officers were injured. Brave colleagues have been left with fractures, lacerations, a suspected broken nose and concussion. I utterly condemn the actions of these mindless and violent thugs; and they will be brought to justice for their actions. The Federation are supporting our injured colleagues at this horrific time and send them our best wishes; as I know the rest of the country will do. Police Officers are not robots. We are mothers and fathers. Sons and daughters. Husbands, wives and partners. We should be going home at the end of our shifts. Not to Hospital!"

Assistant Chief Constable Alex Goss has also commented:- "Overnight Merseyside Police has faced serious violence in Southport and I am so proud to have witnessed off duty Officers (many of whom had not long finished a full shift) parade back on duty to support their colleagues who had displayed such courage whilst under constant and sustained attack. I would also like to thank officers from:- Greater Manchester Police, Cheshire Police, Lancashire Police and North Wales Police who also provided mutual aid and support. Sadly, offenders have destroyed garden walls so they could use the bricks to attack our officers and have set cars belonging to the public on fire, and damaged cars parked in the Mosque car park. This is no way to treat a community, least of all a community that is still reeling from the events of Monday. We would appeal to anyone who has information or video footage of those involved in this shocking behaviour to come forward so we can identify and arrest those responsible. Anyone with information can DM @MerPolCC or contact Crimestoppers on:- 0800555111."

It is also worth adding that 3 Police Dogs have also been injured. Police Dogs Zoe and Ike have sustained leg injuries from bricks thrown at them. A 3d dog, PD Quga, who was bitten, strangled and kicked by an offender at the beginning of this month, hassuffered burns to her back leg.

As a result of the disorder, a 24 hour Section 60 Order has been introduced in the area, running from:- 19.54 pm, on:- 31 July 2024 and extra Officers will remain in the area to provide a visible presence to reassure communities.
 The Order, under S60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, gives Officers enhanced stop and search powers to stop individuals in the area and is designed to minimise serious violence.
 A Section 34 Order has also been introduced under the Anti-Social Behaviour & Policing Act 2014, giving Officers powers to direct people who are engaging in antisocial behaviour or are likely to become involved in such incidents. These powers will not be used for anyone visiting the area and going about their daily business.  
 Under the legislation, officers have the power to seize any item, including:- vehicles, used in the commission of anti social behaviour. Should a person who has previously been directed to leave the area return, an offence would be committed, which they may ultimately be arrested for.

We are also informed that violent disorder erupted in Southend On See, Essex at the seafront and on the High Street, resulting in another Section 60 being put in place.



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