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LGA responds to Climate Change Committee report
By Newsroom
News  |  Thu - July 18, 2024 9:04 pm  |  Article Hits:548  |  A+ | a-
RESPONDING to the Climate Change Committee report:- "Progress in reducing UK emissions," Cllr Claire Holland, who is the Environment Spokesperson for the local Government Association said on:- Thursday, 18 July 2024:- "It is concerning that the committee has found that only a 3rd of the emissions reductions required to achieve the country’s 2030 target are currently covered by credible plans. Councils can have some impact on over 80% of emissions from their area, and a direct impact on a 3rd of emissions through their role in transport and housing to renewable energy. We want to work with Government to help deliver their green energy mission, and as local leaders, only Councils can lead targeted local climate action in our:- Villages, Towns and Cities, that hit net zero targets for half the costs and generate three times the returns. To deliver this we need backing for local climate action to rapidly retrofit social and fuel poor homes, decarbonise transport, protect and grow biodiversity, and powers to roll out renewable energy schemes."

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