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Hiring a veteran is good for business! New figures reveal 20% increase in the number of employers looking to hire veterans
By Newsroom
News  |  Sun - June 30, 2024 11:35 pm  |  Article Hits:849  |  A+ | a-

NEW figures released by the Forces Employment Charity to coincide with Armed Forces Day (Saturday, 29 June 2024) reveal that the number of employers actively looking to hire veterans has jumped by over 20% in the last five years, increasing from:- 2981 in 2018 to 3603 in 2023.

The charity has also unveiled new research that shows that employers who have hired veterans report that they contributed significantly to the workforce. Results show:-

  • 1 in 4 (24%) employers praised veterans for bringing strong leadership skills to the workforce.
  • 1 in 5 (22%) employers say having a veteran in the organisation is great for building team spiri.
  • 1 in 5 (22%) employers praise veterans for bringing unique skills to the workforce.
  • 1 in 5 (20%) employers say hiring a veteran is good for business.

The Forces Employment Charity, which supports all members of the military community in achieving civilian employment success, has also seen a massive rise in the number of job roles it has secured for its clients. Last year, the charity secured:- 13,246 placements, compared to 11,994 the previous year, reflecting more than a 10% year-on-year increase.

Despite a significant increase in employers recognising the value of hiring veterans, 41% of UK employers say they know where and how to access talent from the military community. Furthermore, only 35% of veterans say they feel proud of the skills they acquired during their time in the military, and whilst around 15,000 men and women leave the Armed Forces every year,] less than 1 in 10 (8%) working-age veterans state that they know where to go for civilian employment support.

The Forces Employment Charity exists to provide life long, life changing support, job opportunities, and training to Service leavers, veterans, reservists, and their families, irrespective of circumstances, rank, length of service, or reason for leaving. The charity also delivers Op NOVA on behalf of the NHS, supporting veterans in contact with the justice system.


Iain Downie spent time in Preston whilst serving in the British Army and is now Director of Resources at the Forces Employment Charity. He says:- "The very nature of a military career means that everyone who has served will possess a range of exceptional skills, such as collaboration, leadership, resilience and adaptability. It is no surprise that civilian employers are increasingly recognising the merits of hiring from the veteran talent pool; it makes great business sense! With milestone moments like Armed Forces Day, I look forward to seeing more employers offering job opportunities where those who have served can thrive in their second careers."

Liverpool based Ben Daley-Lopez served in the British Army for 5 years. With the help of a dedicated Employment Advisor at the Forces Employment Charity, he has secured a role as an Aerospace Technician. He notes the positives of working amongst several other ex-Forces colleagues. He says:- "You know what you’re getting when you work with someone from the military. We all work hard, we get the job done and to a really professional standard." When commenting on the help he received upon registering with the Forces Employment Charity, he adds:- "I was going through a bit of a rough patch and didn’t feel like I was ‘worthy’. But I got constant support from the Forces Employment Charity, particularly with job applications.” He concludes, “I’m glad they didn’t give up on me, especially when I was ready to."


Danielle Sandy, Military Talent Acquisition at Barclays, says:- "As a Royal Navy veteran, I know first hand both the incredible skills that veterans can bring to the civilian workforce, but also the common challenges that can sometimes act as a barrier to accessing meaningful employment once you have finished your Forces career. I am so proud to work for an organisation that takes active steps to embrace military talent and nurture their skills and abilities."

Armed Forces Day takes place each year, and the whole of the UK comes together to recognise and celebrate all members of the Armed Forces community, from serving personnel to military families to veterans, reservists, and cadets.

Staff from the Forces Employment Charity will attend a host of events all over the country in support of Armed Forces Day. They will be on hand to provide more information about how the charity can help members of the military community take their next step on the career ladder, whether that be helping with their CVs, searching for suitable jobs, or using interview techniques to help secure funding for training opportunities.

For more information, visit:- ForcesEmployment.Org.UK.



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