MERSEYSIDE Police have issued an appeale for information after a man was assaulted during a robbery in Southport , at around 5.25 am, on:- Friday, 2 August 2024.
WE are told that Police across the UK will be out in force this weekend, following a week of unrest. Today, the Home Office Minister Lord Hanson said would-be rioters to:- "be prepared to face the full force of the law on this criminal activity.
IN Southport, Merseyside, on the roads around the crime scene where 3 young girls who have since died have been seeing large members of flowers being laid.
MERSEYSIDE'S Police and Crime Commissioner Emily Spurrell said:- "I am aware of online speculation surrounding future protests in Merseyside. While Merseyside Police will always facilitate peaceful protest, there is absolutely no excuse for the despicable scenes of violence that blighted Southport on Tuesday and other parts of the country this week...
LANDMARKS across the North West of England will be light up in pink over this weekend in memory of the 3 young girls killed in the Southport knife attack this week.
AFTER Wales have rescinded many of the 20mph speed limit changes they have recently introduced nationally, locals on Merseyside are asking why Wirral Council is pushing to further roll out the speed limit across large parts of the Borough.
WE must not overreact to the traumatic events of this week in Southport. Lessons must be learned, but we must take a step back and think hard. We must not react out of shock or anger when looking at any introduction of new legislation and guidance, but also on a family level, especially when explaining what happened to children
MERSEYSIDE Police have confirmed that a further Section 60 Order has been introduced in Southport, on:- Thursday, 1 August 2024, giving Officers additional powers to search suspects.
RESPONDING to the Prime Minister's statement on public disorder in Southport this afternoon, in which he pledged a:- 'wider deployment of facial recognition' surveillance, the director of Big Brother Watch, Silkie Carlo, said...
AN estate and lettings agency in Southport which counts:- "diversity, equality, and individuality" at the very heart of its core values is celebrating a record 12 months of expansion.