Nearly 1 in 4 employers in the North West have seen an increase in staff sickness
A new survey from Acas has found that around one in four employers in the North West have seen an increase in staff being off sick compared to a year ago. Acas commissioned YouGov to ask employers at the end of August if they had seen any changes to the number of employees being off sick compared to 12 months ago. For employers in the North West, the poll found that:-
Acas Chief Executive, Susan Clews, said:- "It is clear from our poll that nearly 1 in 4 employers in the North West have seen an increase in staff absences compared to a year ago. Bosses that handle sickness absences effectively can help to reduce it, prevent any unnecessary disputes at work and stay within the law. Acas has advice and training for North West businesses on how to prevent sickness absences and address the causes." Acas advice is that businesses in the North West that effectively address sickness can improve staff morale and wellbeing, boost productivity, reduce absence levels as well as save money. Steps that can help to reduce sickness absence include:-
Acas advises that a good work-life balance can lead to lower levels of sickness absence. To help staff, employers in the North West should:-
Acas’s full advice is available at:-Acas.Org.UK.