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Accelerator City picks up the pace on net zero ambitions
By Newsroom
News  |  Fri - February 7, 2025 6:25 pm  |  Article Hits:402  |  A+ | a-
Massive Attack perform at Liverpool’s UN Accelerator City launch event, 2024 ©Culture Liverpool
Massive Attack perform at Liverpool’s UN Accelerator City launch event, 2024 ©Culture Liverpool

LIVERPOOL is forging ahead in creating a route to net zero for the creative industries.

After being announced as the world's 1st UN Accelerator City for climate action at the end of last year, further details about how Liverpool plans to decarbonise its live music and TV/film industry have been revealed this week.

Alongside the announcement that Radio 1’s Big Weekend will be taking over Sefton Park from:- 23-25 May 2025, it was confirmed the BBC blockbuster event will form part of the City’s UN Accelerator City programme, 1 of 8 'pilot projects' being developed to trial innovative ways to achieve net zero.

In partnership with the BBC team, all elements of power, waste, travel and food will be looked at with an ambition to produce the most sustainable outdoor festival ever held in the City.

Following a congratulations video from Simon Steill, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, details on other pilot projects - focused on decarbonising drama productions being made in the City, working on the sustainability of the creative sector in the City, smart new digital tools to monitor emissions as well as looking at how to reduce emissions with a range of music and cultural venues - will be announced in the coming weeks. 

The Accelerator City team have also confirmed that a project director will be joining in the coming weeks to work with key partners including Ecotricity, Act 1.5, The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, GeoPura and SMI to make the most of the opportunity that 2025 presents.

Councillor Liam Robinson, Leader of Liverpool City Council, said:- “Our UN Accelerator City status is a bold and powerful statement of intent – we have a year to be ambitious, push boundaries, pilot new ideas and ultimately make a positive difference. Working with some of the best talent in the creative industries we can examine key pressure points and discover what alternative measures can be put in place to reduce carbon emissions. It’s a massively exciting time for the city and we’re delighted to be able to partner with a brand like Radio 1 and deliver what will be the most sustainable music festival the City has ever seen. And this really is just the beginning – we’ve got more exciting projects in the eco-pipeline which will tackle climate change and place Liverpool at the heart of the journey to a net-zero future.”

If you would like to keep across all of the Accelerator City projects then please register for monthly updates on the Accelerator City website.



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