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Shop owner fined for blocking highway with furniture
By Newsroom
News  |  Thu - February 6, 2025 7:01 pm  |  Article Hits:487  |  A+ | a-
Furniture on the pavement and road on Rocky Lane
Furniture on the pavement and road on Rocky Lane
A shop owner who repeatedly placed furniture and household items on a street, in Anfield, has been hit with a bill of more than £1,600.

Elliott James of Belmont Drive in L6, was found guilty at Liverpool Magistrates Court of depositing items on Rocky Lane between:- July and December 2024, blocking the highway.

The Council brought a prosecution under Section 137 (1) of the Highways Act 1980.

He failed to appear in court for the hearing on:- 23 January 2025, and in his absence, he was fined:- £660, plus a victim surcharge of £700 costs, meaning he will have to pay a total bill of £1,624.  

The prosecution was brought with the support of the City Council’s Environmental Crime Enforcement Team, which was appointed last year to identify and take action against offenders who blight our local communities, be that by fly tipping, littering, or as in this case, causing obstruction of the highway. The team patrols the streets every day of the week to educate local communities on correct waste management and investigate environmental crimes.

Working closely with Merseyside Police, the team also checks waste carriers to make sure they are disposing of waste correctly and carry the right license to be able to do so.

They are set to double in size in the coming months, providing more capacity to work with residents and businesses to prevent future fly tipping.

The Council is about to appoint an external partner to work closely with the task force to increase awareness of correct waste disposal and clamp down on illegal dumping, littering, and dog fouling.
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