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Young people bring new life to Kirkdale park
By Newsroom
News  |  Wed - February 5, 2025 7:53 pm  |  Article Hits:394  |  A+ | a-

PRIMARY school children have become the 1st in 2025 to plant new trees through a Liverpool City Council initiative.

Pupils from Kirkdale St Lawrence Primary planted 6 new trees at Kirkdale Recreation ground, as part of plans to introduce 22 new trees to the green space. 

Last week’s project is part of a wider Council scheme to work with primary schools across the City, getting young people involved in planting trees and learning about the importance of caring for the environment.

Since October 2024, the Council has planted 492 trees, with a further 144 planned by the end of March 2025. These new trees will be planted across 16 different sites, including Princes Park, Lower Breck Field and Garston Park, taking the total number of sites during this period to 46.

The Council’s tree planting programme takes place annually across autumn and winter to give the trees the best chance to grow through the warmer months. The programme is made possible through additional funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Mersey Forest.

Each tree planted contributes to the Mersey Forest plan to reach 30% tree cover across Cheshire and Merseyside. Over the past 5 years, 2340 new trees have been introduced across Liverpool, bringing health and environmental benefits with them.

Not only do trees reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and provide a natural habitat for a number of species, but they also help with cases of extreme heat and flooding.

Research by Public Health England has highlighted further benefits of green spaces within urban areas, particularly on people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.   

Councillor Laura Robertson-Collins, Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Neighbourhoods and Streetscene said:- “Planting trees brings a wealth of benefits back into the City, from improving people’s health to helping to protect the environment from the effects of climate change. It’s fantastic to hear how excited the children were to join in and watch their trees grow over the coming months. They’ve done a brilliant job, and it’ll make such a difference to the recreation ground that they can be proud of for years to come. Working with young people from our local schools is a fantastic way to offer hands-on education and work together to make Liverpool a greener, cleaner place to grow up in.”

Emily Kealey, a teacher at St Lawrence Primary said:- “Our children had a lovely afternoon planting trees in their community. It will be fantastic for them to watch them grow and look back with happy memories in the future! Thank you for the opportunity!”



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