Merseyside Police’s Commissioner and Chief Constable will host a special public meeting next week at which the police’s budget will be set for the year ahead.
A special Eurovision recruitment fair will showcase job opportunities and careers in Liverpool City Region’s £5bn visitor economy.
Exciting news about the 2023 Liverpool International Tennis Tournament has just been released.
THE 2023 Ainsdale Show will be held on:- Saturday, 1 July and Sunday, 2 July 2023, in the Methodist Church hall and grounds, along with the Village Green. It may mean reducing the number of classes in the show, but favorite things like:- Floral Art, Children’s exhibits, and Photography will still be able to go ahead.
Your chance to learn about Captain F.J. Walker, and his connection to the Battle of the Atlantic, as well as how it helped in winning the Battle of the Atlantic in connection to the Top Secret Bunker, in Liverpool, Western Approaches.
Information on where to go for this year's Liverpool Chinese New Year celebrations...