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Southport Flower Show hailed a huge success as preparations begin for next year’s 100th anniversary!
By Newsroom
Local Events  |  Mon - October 9, 2023 12:40 pm  |  Article Hits:2959  |  A+ | a-

THIS year’s Southport Flower Show had it all – floral displays, show gardens, entertainment and to top it off 4 sunny days with over 55,000 visitors enjoying an incredible summer festival celebration.

Alan Adams, General Manager said:- “We had a great show this year. The atmosphere was amazing and the buzz from everyone involved made it 1of our best yet. We have been overwhelmed with positive feedback from our visitors, exhibitors and celebrity guests which has given us a great platform to launch next year’s 100th show, with early bird tickets already on sale. For next year’s show, we have partnered with multi award winning Holden Clough Nurseries and are very excited to be working with them to develop the horticultural elements of the show."

John Foley, owner of Holden Clough Nurseries said:- “We are honoured to be supporting The Southport Flower Show. The nursery has been associated with the show since the 1920’s and we look forward to investing in the future of this very special happening. Its a chance to share our expertise and work together to attract more show gardens and professional nurseries, whilst also looking at different ways in which we can educate and encourage gardeners, new and old alike.”

So, why not join us Thursday 15 August - Sunday 18 August 2024 to celebrate 100 years of this fabulous, historical event. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting announcements on our Southport Flower Show website and social media channels.

If you are interested in sponsoring next year’s event, we can offer tailored packages to suit your business needs and budget. Please contact us on:- 01704 547147 or email:- info@southportflowershow.co.uk.



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