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Christina Aguilera Flamenco Show coming to Liverpool
By Newsroom
Local Events  |  Thu - August 24, 2023 11:14 am  |  Article Hits:3719  |  A+ | a-

YES! You heard it right! Cristina Aguilera is bringing a stunning flamenco show to Liverpool — albeit the flamenco star, rather than the singer. On Friday, 6 October 2023 at 7.30pm, The Capstone Theatre will play host to Granada’s mesmerising sensation for a night of captivating flamenco like no other.


Accompanied by the great flamenco cantaor from Jerez, Miguel Lavi, and exceptional guitarist David Caro from Almeria, the prize-winning dancer is bringing her acclaimed Tarab show to Liverpool for 1 night only. Whereas audiences won’t be listening to ‘Genie In A Bottle’, they most certainly will be witnessing something truly ‘Beautiful’.


Cristina Aguilera is a powerful performer, with the strength and rhythm of her feet as well as beauty and expression of her hands and movements. Having presented her own shows at international festivals, her dance includes the traditional fringed ‘manton’ (shawl) and she is also supremely talented on castanets.


Cristina’s Tarab show is something to behold — depicting the Arabic meaning of a state of ecstasy, rapture or enchantment that is induced when one connects with music and seizes its energy. On the night, the audience will be taken on a breathtaking journey through traditional flemenco dance, song and guitar.


Flamenco cantaor Miguel Lavi is highly respected and in constant demand at international festivals worldwide for his passionate and rhythmic approach to pure flamenco song. Meanwhile, guitarist David is much in demand by singers and dancers alike for his lyrical composition and wide range of musical expression.


Organiser Sarah Chambers of Espiritu Flamenco said:- “I love the traditional flamenco and the sheer musicality of these artists. It’s such an exciting art form, with the emphasis on expression of feelings and the incredible improvisation. We have had messages of thanks from members of the audience who have felt elated after these performances and others who have cried tears of emotion arising from the passion of these great artists. At its best, flamenco is deep and profound musicality and we are grateful to these artists for working with us to bring such great cultural experiences to Liverpool.”

A very special night indeed, Cristina Aguilera’s Tarab show promises to be a captivating cultural showcase and one full of passion, energy and emotion. A different prospect to the Latin pop star’s big stadium shows but equally as powerful, this Espiritu Flamenco event is one not to miss!

For more information and tickets, visit the website.



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