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Are you going to the Wesley Street Summer Fair 2023?
By Newsroom
Local Events  |  Fri - August 11, 2023 5:43 pm  |  Article Hits:3513  |  A+ | a-
Wesley Street Traders Event Poster
Wesley Street Traders Event Poster
A fantastic Summer Fair is coming to Wesley Street, in sunny Southport, on Saturday, 26 August 2023.

People will be able to enjoy:- face painting, stalls, activities, food and drink, and much more.

The event is to promote the Southport Saviours Foundation, whose aim is to increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest by raising awareness, providing training, and installing accessible defibrillators. Also, the money raised from this event will go towards a new defibrillator based on the Street.

The Wesley Street traders, who are organising the event, are looking for fellow Southport businesses to get involved.

There are a small number of pitches available for stalls, and the organisers are also asking for tombola / raffles prizes to help support the cause.

If your business would like to be involved, please contact Hannah Quillam at the Beauty HQ or send her an email on:- hannahquilliambeauty@hotmail.com

RECAP:- The Wesley Street Summer Fair takes place on:- Wesley Street, Southport, on:- Saturday, 26 August 2023, between:- 12pm (noon) and 4pm.


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