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The Krazy House comes back to Liverpool this August bank holiday weekend.
By Newsroom
Local Events  |  Wed - August 9, 2023 11:28 am  |  Article Hits:3242  |  A+ | a-
THE Krazyouse is back once again on Bank Holiday (Sunday, 27 August 2023.)

Yes, that may seem like a long time to wait, but we want this 1 to be the best ever, so we are giving everyone plenty of notice to get the babysitters sorted!

Much loved nightclub, The Krazyhouse, will be making its return as part of a reunion event this August bank holiday. Electrik Warehouse, as the venue is now known, which is based on Wood Street, will be open from 8pm until 4am. The Krazy House was a firm favourite on the Liverpool nightlife scene for decades before shutting its doors for good back in 2018.

Krazyhouse was rebranded to Electrik Warehouse after being saved by local independent operator, Pub Invest Group, after the site fell into financial difficulty.

The huge building now regularly honors its predecessor with weekly club nights, as well as an eclectic medley of alternative music that made the Krazyhouse so popular.

In an age where a lot of the superclubs and large venues across the UK have sadly closed their doors, there was a sigh of relief amongst fans of alternative music in the Northwest where this iconic site was saved.

General manager of Electrik Warehouse Adam Coffey said:- "We're really looking forward to hosting another Krazyhouse night back at Electrik. It's become a much-anticipated date now on the calendar with the August bank holiday seeing us host the KrazyHouse reunion for the past few years. We see faces old and new come from all over the Region for this 1.”.

Expect 241 drinks, loads of your favourite K DJs returning, K1/K2/K3, free Pot Noodles at the end of the night, and more to be announced soon!

Final Release tickets are priced at:- £12.00+BF and are available via this ŁĪŅḴ¡

Location:- Electrik Warehouse, Wood Street, Liverpool, L14AQ


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