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Liverpool's St Patrick's Day Parade Route 2025
By Newsroom
Local Events  |  Sat - March 15, 2025 6:20 pm  |  Article Hits:762  |  A+ | a-
ON Monday, 17 March 2025, people visiting Liverpool City Center should take note that Liverpool's St. Patrick's Day Parade will be taking place from:- 3pm.  this might result in some traffic delays as the Parade moves though the City Center.  

The Parade will be assembling at the former Irish Centro, next to the Catholic Cathedral, on Mount Pleasant, at around:- 2pm before heading off at:- 3pm.  the Parade will moving along the following roads:- Hope Street, Duke Street, Berry Street and Renshaw Street.  We are told that the Parade will then continue through:- Ranleigh Street, onto:- Hanover Street and Seel Street, culminating on:- Slater Street. We are told that the organisers expect the march to end at approximately:- 4pm.

this is a family friendly Parade and is often both fun to watch and follow as it moves though the town center. This video footage shows the Parade in 2024 to give you an idea of what you might see,

More information about the Liverpool Irish Center can be found online at:- LiverpoolIrishCentre.Org.

If you are interested in knowing why Liverpool holds a St Patrick's Day event, please see our Mersey Reporter's Section... as it explains the area's Irish heritage.

Our photographic coverage of last years event can be found on Southport Reporter Edition, publication dated:- 21 March 2024.

If you are celebrating st Parick's Day this year, please remember to drink responsibly.
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Sun, 16 March 2025 6:25 pm
It's good the Irish boosted the English Catholics in Liverpool but our st St George of England not celebrated he was Catholic our English Roman Catholic Saint 23rd should be the day to celebrate not the 12th or 17th


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