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Southport Pier Open Meeting announced to discuss ways of restoring national landmark
By Newsroom
Announcements  |  Sun - January 26, 2025 8:12 pm  |  Article Hits:596  |  A+ | a-
IF you live or work in Southport you might want to take notice that you have been invited to an Open Meeting to discuss ideas about restoring and reopening Southport Pier. This meeting is open to anyone interested in saving Southport Pier. if you are not already aware, this iconic landmark of Southport has been since December 2022 due to serious health and safety concerns.

On Friday, 31 January 2025, Silcock's Pier Family Restaurant on the Promenade, will be holding an event between:- 11 am and 12.30 pm, for people who eagerly want to see Southport Pier open once again, to hold an open discussion, and to seek ideas.

The organisers are fully supportive of Sefton Council's ambitions to see the Pier reopened, after the local authority submitted a full planning application for how the work can be carried out last year (2025).

This is not a fundraising event, it will not be seeking funding from anyone.

Silcock Leisure Group Head of Operations Serena Silcock-Prince said:- "Southport Pier is our Town's major landmark; it attracts so many visitors from across the country, and we all want to see people able to walk down it once again. Southport needs a boost. This would make such a huge difference to our Town. We have been greatly encouraged by Sefton Council submitting a full planning application outlining how the Pier can be repaired, and are appreciative of their consistent and firm backing they have demonstrated for restoration to be done. We appreciate that the costs involved, both in terms of restoration and ongoing maintenance, are significant. Southport Pier is a heritage landmark of national significance. It has been hosting visitors and supporting tourism in our Region ever since it opened in 1860. With growing pressures on Sefton Council budgets from priorities such as adult and children's social care, there is no way that Sefton would ever be able to find sufficient funding through their own finances. No local authority could. We need national support. Local residents and local businesses in Southport are fully behind Sefton Council's ambition to see Southport Pier restored and reopened, and we are keen to explore options about how we can help make that vision become a reality. Southport Pier stands proudly near the new Marine Lake Events Centre, a £73 million scheme which is being built thanks to Sefton Council, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Town Deal funding, which is so exciting for our Town. When it opens, MLEC will be a brand new landmark for our Region. Positive things are happening and we need that momentum to continue. The 1st visitors to see the new MLEC facility would be wowed by also seeing a restored Southport Pier nearby. We look forward to seeing everyone at our Open Meeting."

If you would like to attend, please reply via email:- Info@Silcock-Leisure.Co.UK
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