A Liverpool landlord has been hit with a fine of almost £14,000 for allowing tenants to live in what have been described by a District Judge as “slum” conditions.
Roach Estates and Property Management Ltd, and directors Phillip Range and David Kellard, were found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court on:- 7 January 2025.
Liverpool City Council’s Private Sector Housing Service discovered serious issues at the property on Goodison Road in Walton in July 2023, including:-
- Damp and mould growth from damaged brickwork to the front bay lintel, and a flat roof allowing leaks into the kitchen
- Broken gutters and waste water discharging directly onto the flat roof
- Uneven stairs and a deep step over pipework and the door frame into the yard
- Structural collapse and falling elements from missing mortar and loose bricks in a wall
- The kitchen ceiling was bowing under the flat roof and the ceiling has since collapsed
- An open fuse box with live wiring and an intermittent electrical supply
- Exposed wiring and a missing light fitting in the kitchen where water has dripped through the roof
- A defective fire door
The landlord was served with an Improvement Notice and ordered to resolve the issues by:- February 2024.
A subsequent reinspection in March 2024 found they had not taken adequate action to rectify the hazards identified and bring the property up to a safe standard. Some of the issues had deteriorated further.
In court, Presiding District Judge Wendy Lloyd described them as “slum” conditions and handed down fines totalling:- £13,867.31.
In 2024, Liverpool City Council brought 33 prosecutions against landlords, with fines totalling £342,584 handed down. A further 11 Civil Penalty Notices were issued, with fines totalling:- £59,862.50.
To report disrepair or poor management in a privately rented home, you can get in touch with the Council’s Private Sector Housing team by emailing:- privatesector.housing@liverpool.gov.uk, or making a referral online at this website.