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Don't miss this year's Liverpool Festive Farmers Tractor Run this Sunday!
By Newsroom
Local Events  |  Sat - December 21, 2024 12:15 am  |  Article Hits:871  |  A+ | a-
THE final details of this year's Liverpool Festive Farmers Tractor Run which will be taking place on:- Sunday, 22 December 2024 have been released by Oliver Harrison (Olly Blogs) from:- AgriContract.


He has announced that the route has been considerably changed this year in order to use wider roads in order not to hold up road users and avoid trouble with parked cars.

Oliver says:- "We have increased the length of route to disperse spectators along route better to avoid overcrowding. The route this year will include the City Centre again because of its wide pavements. But we are urging people not to spectate at Hospital as this causes problems for them. Please spectate as close to your home as possible if you live within the City Centre. If travelling in, please use Public Transport. We will not be stopping in Stanley Park this year so it can be used for parking for quiet zone on priory road."

We strongly recommend you take warm, waterproof clothing if you are going to watch them. But please remember, like the Southport Christmas Vehicle Parade Traffic lights may cause gaps in convoy.

On this issue Oliver said:- "Bike Marshalls will top and convoy the Convoy. For your safety, they may ask people to move back if they look too close to the traffic and the Convoy. Traffic flow issues may cause gaps in Convoy, but don't worry as you will know when they have all passed you thanks to a Rear Marker Car and Bike Marshall."

We are told by Olly that the 2024 route will run in clockwise direction around City Centre. This is in the opposite direction from previous years. To see the route please use the office route map online.

Here are approximate times:-

16.50 = Tractors arrive Halewood.

18.00 = Tractors arrive in Strand Street.

18.30 = Tractors arrive in Priory Road (Quiet Zone).

19.00 = Tractors arrival at Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

19.45 = Tractors Huyton.

20.00 = Tractors finish.

Olly added that:- "As ever it will be live streamed with tracker on my YouTube Channel. Watching my live broadcast on YouTube, you will get real time updates on the Convoy's progress. As ever please help this event by spectating sensibly and keeping well back from kerb. Don't forget to give us a wave and see you Sunday."

If you would like to donate, please do so via the official donation page on:- JustustGiving.Com.

Don't forget to tag us in on X (Twitter) and on Facebook if you attend as we would love to see your pictures from the event this year.

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