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Adoption groups could be just the ticket for Merseyside stations
By Newsroom
News  |  Thu - August 31, 2023 2:44 pm  |  Article Hits:3561  |  A+ | a-

NORTHERN is on the lookout for community custodians to help care for some of its Merseyside stations. 

The train operator is keen to speak to groups of volunteers interested in adopting one of three stations across the county, including:-  

  • Halewood 
  • West Allerton 
  • Mossley Hill 

Hundreds of adopters are already active across the network, working in partnership with Northern to keep stations tidy and well presented.  

Craig Harrop, regional director at Northern, said:- “Station adoption groups provide a vital link between Northern and the communities we serve, and they all do fantastic work at our stations, providing the best possible environment for our customers and local people alike. We’re very fortunate to have so many people who care so deeply about the railway and I’m incredibly grateful for all the time they donate and all the hard work that makes such a difference to the station environment. Many of our stations have active adopters and ‘Friends of’ groups, but these 3 in Merseyside don’t and we’re looking for community volunteers who are willing to give their time to help us make a difference for their community.”  

To find out more visit:- northernrailway.co.uk/community or email adopters@northernrailway.co.uk  



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