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Expansion of community pharmacy roles boosted by launch of new training
By Newsroom
News  |  Wed - August 30, 2023 3:01 pm  |  Article Hits:3386  |  A+ | a-

THE expansion of community pharmacy roles to improve patients’ access to services is being boosted by the launch of new NHS training for 1,000 staff.

500 pharmacy staff will be trained to supervise pharmacists completing training to prescribe medication. Another 500 will be able to support a range of other training and education, including pre and post-registration training for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

Pharmacist and pharmacy technician roles are evolving rapidly in response to changes in healthcare and growing demand for clinical services in community pharmacy – with 3,000 independent prescribing training places available for 2023/24.

Educational supervision is a crucial part of this to enable the ongoing transformation and skills development of the growing pharmacy workforce.

The training will ensure those involved in educational supervision, including Designated Supervisors (DSs), Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacy Technician education supervisors and Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPPs), are confident to support learners.

Both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can apply for the education supervisor training. Regulatory changes in 2019 mean any experienced independent prescriber can apply for the DPP training.

Training will be flexible to accommodate work schedules and will allow learners to develop their skills and knowledge around delivering educational supervision while keeping patient safety and person-centred care at the forefront.

The programme will be delivered by ProPharmace Ltd and has been coordinated by the Pharmacy Integration Programme at NHS England.

David Webb, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, NHS England said:- “This is part of NHS England’s strategy to increase access to prescribing supervision in community pharmacy and create a culture where existing pharmacist independent prescribers train to become Designated Prescribing Practitioners and Designated Supervisors as part of their career development. This is part of our work to ensure the NHS is ready to support and mentor the new workforce of pharmacist independent prescribers from 2026.”

Liz Fidler, Senior Professional Advisor Pharmacy Technician Practice, NHS England said:- “I am delighted that this programme will be supporting the expansion of Pharmacy Technician Education Supervisors. Education Supervisors, using their knowledge and skills, will enable us to support and train more pre and post-registration Pharmacy Technicians to develop their clinical roles and services, supporting reforms and building in sustainability for the future.”

Noma Al-Ahmad, Managing Director, ProPharmace, said:- “We are delighted to lead this significant educational programme to support the development of education supervision capability and capacity within the community pharmacy workforce. These programmes will provide an innovative approach to developing Educational Supervisors and Designated Prescribing Practitioners, considering individual learning needs and career aspirations. We are looking forward to supporting NHS England in achieving high quality supervision. We firmly believe that this initiative is a key priority for the transformation and upskilling of the community pharmacy workforce.”

To register and find out more about the training programme, including eligibility, visit the ProPharmace website.

Further Information about the Pharmacy Integration Programme and training offers for pharmacy professionals can be found on the Health Education England website.



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