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New Brighton RNLI launch in rough conditions
By Newsroom
News  |  Fri - January 31, 2025 4:44 pm  |  Article Hits:551  |  A+ | a-

YESTERDAY, 30 January 2025, New Brighton RNLI were tasked to reports of a man and dog in difficulty in the Leasowe Bay area.

A bright and clear Thursday morning in New Brighton brought with it the sound of the pager, as New Brighton RNLI's volunteer crew were tasked by HM Coastguard to reports of a man and dog in difficulty in the water in the Leasowe Bay area.

The pager sounded at approximately 11:30am and New Brighton’s Atlantic 85 launched quickly at Portland slipway.

New Brighton is only a couple of days away from spring tides, meaning tidal ranges are currently unusually high. At the time of the pager sounding, New Brighton was on the cusp of a high tide of 9.5m. This, combined with westerly winds, created tricky launch conditions for the volunteer crew.

Once launched, the crew of the B class lifeboat received further information, that the man had been pulled out of the water by a passing off-duty police officer. The man had entered the water to attempt to rescue his dog. Following a brief search by New Brighton RNLI, Coastguard units and Police, the dog was located, having washed up on the beach shortly afterwards. Unfortunately, the dog did not survive.

The man was taken to hospital by ambulance for a check over.

Tom McGinn, Helm at New Brighton RNLI, said:- ‘This was a launch in tricky conditions, and the crew performed admirably to ensure it was conducted safely and efficiently. Thankfully, the casualty was rescued in this instance, though it does show the dangers of entering the water in this scenario. The thoughts of us all at New Brighton RNLI are with the dog owner at this difficult time. It can be very tough to fight your instinct of going in after a dog, but we’d always urge people not to enter the water. If you ever see an animal in danger on the coast or in the water, please do not attempt to rescue the animal yourself as you could end up in trouble. Instead, dial:- 999 and ask for the Coastguard.'



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